Looking for a project to practice the newly acquired skills has always been a challenge for me; I find it very uninspiring to be working on an imaginary product that will never be used. So when I was choosing a topic for my final project of the General Assembly's UXD course I took in December 2019, I decided to work on a solution for a real problem I was facing instead.
Project outline:
Historical Medieval Battle (HMB) is a new type of martial arts that brings history and full-contact sport together. Feeling confused? Think 'MMA' and think 'medieval armour'. Marry them together and you’ll get a good idea of what HMB is all about.
Yep, that's me in the middle!
My partner and I run an HMB club based in Gloucester; since the club opened its doors in 2017, we've received numerous joining requests that back then were processed manually through Facebook page messages. It required being online 24/7 to answer questions and explain how to join, which at some point became hard to cope with. Messages started to be left unread for longer, which quite often would result in people being put off and losing interest in joining the club.